Saturday, September 8, 2012

a CHANGE in the GAME and a DT call... small one

Hello everyone,  I have removed the ADULT CONTENT warning, and will leave it off til the new year, in the hopes that we will get more traffic, and then I'll add it back on.  I like nudes, sometimes profanity and some pagan type art, I know others do as well. It was for that reason I had the warning set up in the first place. I also do NOT want to be a censor, not of art, or of people's comments. I mean clearly I am not going to allow someone to come here and be a Troll, but constructive criticism is always a good thing.

I am putting out a call for 3, possibly 4 new DT members.

Upfront info: 2 challenges a month, Mandatory commenting on entries, and your fellow DT members blogs. You may be asked to contribute a prize($15 value) once in a while until we are more known and get corporate/company sponsorship. 

***Members MUST be able to follow a schedule, and be on time with all things.

SERIOUS INQUIRIES only please, email me for the specific information at


Gina said...

Hope this so deserve more recognition. Great challenge(going to check if I still have time to enter the hide n seek one :D XXX

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great group, Susan. I like your transparency. For me and my childlike daydreaming tendencies, I definitely like the idea of a game theme. I look forward to participating.

Much love,