Monday, December 24, 2012

Name That Tune winner and runner-up

Hello everyone. :)

I am proud to announce Our winner and runner-up for Name That Tune!!
It is with great pleasure I now inform you that
our WINNER is Nancy!!

Here is her creation:

here is her blog post:

Nancy please take your winner badge for your blog, and email me your info, so I can mail you your book!
Winner's badge

 Our runner-up is Gina!!

but wait...

hubby picked one also, and with all he has been through I am allowing another  runner-up...

Ladies please take the runner-up badge for your blogs.

Runner Up badge

 Here is Gina's creation:
and her blog post:

Here is 2amScrapper's creation:
here is her blog post:

CONGRATULATIONS to all of you!!


Gina said...

Thank you :D I'd forgotten about that piece, should put it on a wall :D Hope you had a peaceful week so far :D XXX

Nancy said...

Thank you so much Susan!! Hope you had a wonderful holiday!
Nancy xx :D